Western Europe Regions Map Pictures

Western Europe Physical Map Pictures

Maps of Western Europe Detail Pictures

Western Europe is a apart appellation for the accumulating of countries in the European continent, admitting this analogue is context-dependent and carries cultural and political connotations. One analogue describes Western Europe as a geographic entity—the arena lying in the Western allotment of Europe. Another analogue was created during the Cold War (approx. 1945-1991) and acclimated to call the non-Communist states of Europe that were affiliated (to an admeasurement each) with and afflicted by the United States to some degree. For this purpose the Western European Union (1954–2011; today allotment of the European Union), a arresting accord a part of non-communist European nations during the Cold War, was drafted in 1948. As a result, countries culturally and geographically associated with added European regions that steered bright of Soviet access during the Cold War are usually included, while western associates of the above Eastern Bloc (with the barring of Eastern Germany) are excluded.
Countries declared as Western European are consistently advantageous developed countries, characterized by autonomous political systems, alloyed economies accumulation the chargeless bazaar with aspects of the abundance state, and a lot of are associates of NATO and the European Union.
The United Nations (UN) Statistics Division considers Western Europe to abide of just nine countries, although the United Nations Regional Groups cover European countries from the so alleged UN-designated Northern and Southern Europe in its Western European and Others Group.